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Lectures: Ringaile Placakyte
October 15, 2015 @ 10:30 am
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Parton Distribution Functions of the Proton: from HERA to LHC
- Thursday Oct 15, 10:30 a.m. | HEPHY Library Nikolsdorfergasse 18
- Friday Oct 16, 10:30 a.m. | HEPHY Library Nikolsdorfergasse 18
Ringaile Placakyte (DESY)
A precise knowledge of the Parton Distribution Functions (PDF) of the proton is essential in order to
make predictions for Standard Model (SM) and beyond the Standard Model (BSM) processes at
hadron colliders. Moreover, the PDFs uncertainties often are a limiting factor in the accuracy of
theoretical predictions for both, SM and BSM.
A detailed overview of the PDFs will be presented in the lectures, starting with the Feynman parton
model, deep inelastic scattering, PDF determination and the introduction to the available tools, recent
results and impact of the measurements to PDFs from HERA, Tevatron and LHC colliders, the latest
recommendations from PDF4LHC group and finishing with the implications and prospects for the
future colliders